Are Dental Implants Worth It?

Are Dental Implants Worth It?

Dental implants are one of the highest quality restorations you can receive for one or more missing teeth. If you have thought about dental implants but want to know more, we can help! We help patients receive implants, whether they’ve lost their permanent teeth and require restorative care or already have an old and/or removable restoration. Our dental office is proud to provide dental implants in our Hunt Valley, MD office. We customize single dental implants and implant-secured restorations to meet the needs of each patient.

Dental Implants in Hunt Valley, MD

What Can Dental Implants Treat?

If you have lost or knocked out a tooth due to a dental injury or infection, we will recommend a single dental implant. Even a single missing tooth can make a difference in a smile. Harmful bacteria can collect in a missing tooth socket, and adjacent natural teeth may shift over time to try to close the gap left by a missing tooth. Restoring a lost tooth can improve oral health and aesthetics.

Single implants consist of a titanium metal post, abutment, and dental crown. The jaw bone supports the post, which replaces the tooth root. An abutment is a piece that connects the post to the false tooth or crown.

We can also use multiple dental implants to address rows or arches of missing teeth. Dental implants can secure dental bridges, partial dentures, and complete dentures.

Each patient is different, so the number of implants we use to secure a restoration is unique to the patient’s needs. Before every implant treatment, we take digital x-rays of the smile to view the bone tissue in the jaw. We can determine where to place the implants to support false teeth and create a functional smile.

Benefits of Dental Implants in Hunt Valley, MD

Dental implants help patients with missing teeth restore their smiles. There are many advantages to dental implant treatment, including:

  • Improved aesthetics: The most visible benefit of implant-secured restorations is their appearance. We work with dental labs to create crowns, bridges, and dentures that look and feel as natural as possible. Our team can color-match false teeth to blend in with the smile or brighten the smile, depending on how many teeth patients are missing.
  • Long-lasting results: Implant posts themselves are permanent. Once the titanium post fuses with the jaw bone, it becomes a permanent fixture in the smile. With implants, restorations can last longer than removable, traditional restorations.
  • Improved oral health: Restoring tooth roots with dental implants can support the surrounding bone and gum tissue. Even one missing tooth can lead to an increased risk of decay or shifting teeth that overcrowd the mouth. When dental implants fill gaps left by missing teeth, they allow patients to eat comfortably, avoid bone loss, and prevent problems like cavities and gum disease.

Are you interested in dental implants and want to know more about the right implant-supported restoration for your smile? Call Valley Dental Health today at [new_patient_phone_span]. You can also request a dental implant consultation with our team online.