10600 York Rd Suite 105 Cockeysville, MD 21030

Invisalign Hunt Valley, MD

Invisalign® At Valley Dental Health

The dentists at Valley Dental Health offer Invisalign® in Hunt Valley, Sparks, Phoenix, MD and the greater Baltimore metro area. Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that is popular among teens and adults because it involves using discreet, clear aligners.

As the leading clear aligner system, Invisalign that helps teens and adults straighten their teeth without metal braces. This system uses a series of clear aligners that gently reposition teeth. The aligners are removable and comfortable unlike traditional metal braces. It is ideal for patients who need mild to moderate orthodontic care. We also provide cosmetic dentistry treatments to patients in Hunt Valley and Sparks, Maryland. 

Dr. Ashley Izadi was awarded The Galler Cup for her work with Invisalign in 2017. This award is given to top Invisalign General Dentists in North America. Dr. Izadi and our dental care team are committed to providing the best Invisalign treatment in the Baltimore, MD, area.

How Will Invisalign Benefit Me?

Invisalign offers effective orthodontic treatment for patients of all ages. It will address various dental problems, including cosmetic concerns and crooked teeth.

Invisalign aligners are clear and discreet. Our young patients appreciate this convenience. Our adult patients really love being attain straight teeth with aligners that are hardly noticeable.

Additionally, the aligners can be taken out to maintain a proper oral hygiene routine. This allows patients to practice good oral hygiene during treatment. You will simply remove the aligners each time your brush and floss.

Last, patients are able to remove the aligners to eat. Food particles will no longer get stuck between or behind your braces. This also prevents tooth discoloration and the development of oral health issues such as gum disease.

Why Choose Invisalign?

Dr. Rafat or Dr. Izadi may recommend this clear aligner system to treat various types of orthodontic issues, including:

  • Tooth crowding
  • Spaces between teeth
  • Narrow tooth arches
  • Underbite or overbite
  • Crossbite

Orthodontic treatment is most successful when the patient follows all directions and recommendations. This includes dietary restrictions, which some dentists may require with traditional metal braces. Invisalign patients will find it easy to follow the treatment plan because it is so simple.

Dentist appointments and switching to the next retainer are very easy for Invisalign patients. This can be important for younger patients who may not be enthusiastic about orthodontic treatment.

In addition, Invisalign retainers will not irritate the soft mouth tissue. This is a common problem for patients using metal braces, especially young patients. They are made of metal pieces that can easily harm the soft tissue in the mouth.

During treatment, the dentists will monitor your progress during each step. There is no need to visit an orthodontist.

The Invisalign Process

This process is easy, painless, and predictable. To begin, we will take digital impression of your teeth. These images will be sent to the Invisalign lab where custom-fit aligners will be designed and fabricated. The clear aligners are made of a flexible, but firm ultra-thin plastic material. This makes them very comfortable and easy to wear.

Invisalign in Hunt Valley, MD

At your next appointment, we will try on the first set of aligners. Our helpful staff will answer any questions you have about wearing them and how to care for them over the next few months. We will need to see you several times during your treatment to ensure proper movement of your teeth.

In order for your treatment to work effectively, you must wear the aligners for 22 or more hours a day. You can remove them to eat, drink, brush, and floss; however, you must remember to put them back in.

You will wear each set for about one to two weeks at a time. Most patients complete treatment in less than 12 months. The total number of aligners you need will depend on the severity of your orthodontic issues.

Invisalign® Vs. Metal Braces

Most people think of metal braces as the standard orthodontic treatment. However, thanks to advances in orthodontics, there are more options besides traditional braces. Invisalign is more convenient than metal braces for several reasons. All patients enjoy how discreet they are especially when compared to braces.

Aside from the aesthetic benefits, this clear aligner system offers a number of clinical benefits as well:

  • Healthier teeth and gums: The clear aligners are removable, making brushing and flossing easy
  • Gentle on teeth and gums: They will not damage your tooth enamel or irritate the inside the mouth
  • Convenient treatment: You will only need to visit our Hunt Valley dental office to monitor your progress


Munchies® is an orthodontic device that has proven to maximize the fit and accuracy of clear aligners. This will result in a more precise treatment time. The simple device provides relief from discomfort and ensures that your aligners properly fit for optimal results.

FAQs About Invisalign

Learn more about the Invisalign clear aligner system in our frequently asked questions section.

Will The Invisalign Aligners Change The Way I Speak?

Most patients claim the aligners are easy to adjust to. They are able to speak regularly within a couple of days of getting their first set of aligners. However, it is possible for some people to have a hard time adjusting. Regardless, you must continue to keep wearing them. Overtime your speech will begin to sound regular as you adjust.

How Do I Take Care Of My Aligners?

Keeping your aligners clean and safe is very important and very easy. A simple way to wash them is to do it when you brush and floss your teeth. Simply brush them with your soft-bristle toothbrush and regular non-abrasive toothpaste. Then rinse them and put them back in.

When you need to remove the aligners, it is important to put them in a safe place so they do not get lost. Additionally, you must avoid hot water coming in contact with them. This can alter the way they fit.

How Long Do I Wear The Aligners Daily?

You must wear the aligners for 22 hours every day. You can remove them to eat, drink, brush and floss, but beyond this, your aligners should stay in. Failure to wear your aligners properly will make your treatment take longer. This could make your treatment cost more than originally planned.

What Are The Disadvantages Of Invisalign?

The disadvantages of Invisalign vary per individual, however common complaints we receive include: aligners make it difficult to speak clearly, they require removal to eat or drink, patients commonly misplace them, and they cause discomfort. There are simple solutions to these issues.

After a few weeks of wearing your aligners, you will begin to adjust to the feeling of wearing and speaking with them. We recommend carrying a case for your aligners so that when you remove them, you have a specific place to put them, reducing the risk of misplacement.

How Many Times A Day Can You Take Invisalign Out?

As long as you wear your aligners for about 20-22 hours per day, it does not matter how many times you remove them. The only risk of frequent removal is that the aligners may break or crack prematurely, resulting in the need for a replacement. You also risk misplacing them, which is a common occurrence with Invisalign for teens.

Can I Soak My Invisalign In Mouthwash?

One option for cleaning your aligners is soaking them in mouthwash. Patients must be careful to choose a clear mouthwash if they choose this option because colored mouthwash has the potential to stain aligners. Otherwise, you can also purchase a special aligner cleaner.

How Fast Can Teeth Move With Invisalign?

On average, Invisalign treatment lasts anywhere from 6-12 months. Most patients begin to notice that their teeth are moving within the first two months. It is important to be patient with any orthodontic treatment, as your teeth do not move into alignment overnight.

Schedule an appointment for Invisalign® Hunt Valley, MD. Call 443-733-6613 or request an appointment online to begin treatment for your orthodontic issues.