3 Tips For Better Dental Health

At Valley Dental Health, we aim to provide our patients with all the information they need to care for their smiles. Often, patients visit our Hunt Valley dentist office looking to learn more about how they can improve their dental health. There are some simple steps you can take to improve your dental health over time. Our Hunt Valley dentists suggest the following steps for improving your dental health and ensuring that your smile is well taken care of.

Brush & Floss

While this may seem like a simple tip, you should be brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day. Brushing and flossing are your smiles main lines of defense when it comes to preventing dental concerns like tooth decay and gum disease.

If you skip out on brushing and flossing, the food residue left behind from your daily meals will harden into plaque or tartar. Plaque and tartar contain bacteria that can eat away at your healthy soft tissues if allowed to remain on your smile for an extended amount of time. When brushing and flossing are not as convenient to do, on-the-go consider rinsing your mouth out with water or chewing sugar-free gum to dislodge any food particles remaining on your smile from midday meals and snacks. The goal is to keep your smile moist and free from excess food residue that can impact your dental health.

Evaluate Your Diet

Your diet directly impacts your overall dental health. If you are eating a lot of foods that are high in sugar, you are more likely to develop dental cavities. Gummy candies and crunchy potato chips can leave behind a lot of food residue on your teeth and should only be eaten in moderation.

Additionally, beverages like soda, coffee, and tea are likely to stain your teeth in addition to coating them with residue. It’s important to keep track of your diet and to incorporate more smile-friendly alternatives into your meal plan.

Your Hunt Valley dentists recommend pita bread with hummus, fruit smoothies, or greek yogurt. These snacks are not only delicious to eat but they also contain the essential vitamins and minerals that your smile needs to remain healthy and strong.

Schedule Your Dental Cleanings

The American Dental Association recommends that all patients see their dentists once every six months for routine dental cleanings. During your routine dental cleanings, our team will remove any plaque or tartar threatening your smile. Additionally, your dental cleanings are a great time to discuss dental concerns with a dental professional.

Our goal is to catch minor issues before they develop into major dental concerns that would require more invasive treatment options. By scheduling your dental cleanings and keeping track of your at-home oral hygiene routines, you can improve and maintain your smile for many years to come.

If it has been over six months since the last time you sat in the dental chair, schedule an appointment with Valley Dental Health today. We look forward to seeing you soon, and providing you with the care you need to smile brighter.