Facts You Didn’t Know About Dental Implants

Dental implants are small titanium posts that replace missing teeth. Implants can secure dental crowns, bridges, and dentures to ensure they last longer. Our dental office provides dental implants to patients missing one or more permanent teeth in Hunt Valley, MD. If you are considering replacing your lost teeth but want to know more about dental implants, we’re here to help you understand the benefits of implants and life after implant treatment.

Dental Implants Procedure in Hunt Valley, MD

Things You Didn’t Know About Dental Implants in Hunt Valley, MD

Implants offer many benefits that most patients may not even realize. Dental implants:

Provide Simple Cleaning

Once your implants fully heal and you receive your restoration, you can clean your restorations like natural teeth. You do not need to remove most restorations if dental implants support them. This means you do not need to use adhesive or soak your restorations. Instead, you can brush and floss around your implant restorations.

Don’t Get Cavities

The stainless still titanium implant, abutment, and dental restoration are not affected by tooth decay or gum disease. However, a good oral hygiene routine is still important, as your gums and any remaining teeth surrounding your implant restoration may be affected by harmful bacteria.

Can Last For Years

Dental implants have a high success rate and can last for many years with the right care. The implant posts or anchors themselves are permanent, and restorations secured by dental implants will often last longer than removable restorations like traditional dentures. Visiting the dentist regularly and cleaning your restorations will ensure the crowns, bridges, and dentures secured by implants last.

Support Healthy Bone

After you lose a permanent tooth, your jaw bone loses support from the tooth root. As a result, many patients with one or more missing teeth can encounter facial sagging, which occurs when the face sags due to a lack of support from the jaw bone. Dental implants can combat facial sagging and support bone tissue. We often recommend bone grafting before implants for some patients if they need more support, and the implant post fuses with the jaw bone, creating a new artificial tooth root.

Are you interested in dental implants? Call Valley Dental Health for restorative dental care today at 443-733-6613. You may also schedule a dental appointment with us online. If you have any questions about dental implants or are unsure if you’re a candidate for treatment, please let us know, and we can help.